by Mike Pennell
In the normal course of events, a shortage of visitors can make a Volunteer’s shift very tedious and this can lead to muttering in the ranks, discontent and in exceptional cases, mutiny.
We are therefore most grateful to the management for engaging the renowned Cherry Pickers Dance Troupe to entertain us in Main Hall during the past week. At short notice, I imagine it was impossible to obtain two identical teams, but the smaller pair, in their yellow creation and blue headgear, gave a very polished performance when pitted against a larger solo rival – decked out in green with illuminated accessories.
Although performing in a limited space, all competitors produced some extremely professional movements during their routines, and the height of the green entrant’s display was exceptional. His reverse chasee (with fishtail) was a delight to watch and it is possible that with this degree of sophistication, he could well be invited to join the Cornish Formation Equipment Team.
Judging was accomplished from the sidelines by a mixed panel of two men & one lady. Whilst overall performances were of a high standard, both competitors showed a certain 'jerkiness' in the rise & fall movements and turns were not always executed neatly.
After much discussion, each team was awarded a 6 for stamina and an 8 for interpretation.
Didn’t they do well!