Thursday, 23 June 2011

Grumpy Volunteer's Corner

by Keith Evans
Down on the pontoon there have been mutterings about the imminent start of the crabbing season. No, not from the volunteers, they don't mutter they growl, but from the crabs.

'Here we go again' one was heard to say. 'How would those humans like to be hauled up on a line with a rotten bit of bait on the end and shoved into a bucket with someone you don't like, then be deafened by screams from delinquent children echoing around the bucket. They'd soon invoke the Human Rights Act, the Harrassment Act, Health & Safety regs or take out a Privacy Injunction.

It's also about time the management did something about the pontoon which takes the ground at low water - springs. It's no joke waking up from an afternoon nap to find half a ton of pontoon settling down on your head. I ruined my claws digging myself out last week.'

I believe the crabs are voting as to whether to withdraw co-operation again this year.