by our resident poet, Mike Pennell
I’ve paid a Life Sub to the G-O-M group
(that’s Grumpy Old Men, as you know)
to explain what we do, and to learn who is who,
just read what is written below.
We don’t have a livery – nor a smart badge,
not even a Union Card,
but most of us move around slowly
and the wrinkles show - if you look hard.
When a Grumpy goes sick & is missing,
the rest of the troops rally round,
and if you ask some where he’s hiding,
there’ll be those who don’t care, I’ll be bound!!
Though aged, most still have their marbles,
and some maintain they still play!!
(It’s not something gentlemen speak of)
so perhaps they’ve not ALL had their day!!
The talent among them is endless,
Professional men to the core;
A few have degrees (not that anyone’s seen,
or knows what they’re qualified for).
Nauti News gives some hints of their thinking,
they write on some weird events;
They see things that others don’t notice
and much of it doesn’t make sense!!
The ex-sailors walk with a nautical gait,
(it’s a habit you just cannot lose)
and the ones who did time in “Square Riggers”
chew baccy & drink lots of booze!
They are adept at chatting to Tourists,
with tales of their dim distant past,
but when children are shouting and screaming
they head for the Coffee room fast!
I’ve been sick so I’m not on the roster,
and I’m not sure just when I’ll be back,
(I must do some shifts before Christmas
or it’s P.45 and the sack!!)
I’ve paid a Life Sub to the G-O-M group
(that’s Grumpy Old Men, as you know)
to explain what we do, and to learn who is who,
just read what is written below.
We don’t have a livery – nor a smart badge,
not even a Union Card,
but most of us move around slowly
and the wrinkles show - if you look hard.
When a Grumpy goes sick & is missing,
the rest of the troops rally round,
and if you ask some where he’s hiding,
there’ll be those who don’t care, I’ll be bound!!
Though aged, most still have their marbles,
and some maintain they still play!!
(It’s not something gentlemen speak of)
so perhaps they’ve not ALL had their day!!
The talent among them is endless,
Professional men to the core;
A few have degrees (not that anyone’s seen,
or knows what they’re qualified for).
Nauti News gives some hints of their thinking,
they write on some weird events;
They see things that others don’t notice
and much of it doesn’t make sense!!
The ex-sailors walk with a nautical gait,
(it’s a habit you just cannot lose)
and the ones who did time in “Square Riggers”
chew baccy & drink lots of booze!
They are adept at chatting to Tourists,
with tales of their dim distant past,
but when children are shouting and screaming
they head for the Coffee room fast!
I’ve been sick so I’m not on the roster,
and I’m not sure just when I’ll be back,
(I must do some shifts before Christmas
or it’s P.45 and the sack!!)