The real stars of the Volunteer party were the staff who rushed around working hard to ensure that their guests had all the food and drink they needed.
Special thanks to Stuart (who had taken off is dragon suit for the photo), Graham, Harriet (a geisha girl?), Andy, Chris, Angela, Dayna, Linda, Sandie and Kung-Fu Emily.
In the absence of the Museum Poet, the Director indulged his (in)ability to write bad rhymes in welcoming the guests with:
Good evening colleagues young and old
A merry evening here behold.
To China we must turn our way
And spend an evening being gay
With Crouching Tigers in the Air
And Hidden Dragons everywhere.
The new year’s here of this I’m sure
A new year mild, no tooth nor claw
For Tiger’s year we’ve left behind
And Rabbits are so dreadfully kind.
What e’er your sign, you’re welcome here
A rooster, ox or panda bear
A snake or horse, a dog or boar
A goat or rat; there are some more.
I hear your hunger calling out.
Your thirst is like an Aussie drought.
The new year’s here and full of fun
And so, dear friends, to food please come.