Saturday, 5 February 2011

Farewell to Sandie and Graham

At the Volunteer party, our Director unwisely decided to sing a farewell to two people who are retiring in the coming months. The choice of tune was influenced by the Chinese theme to the party but he clearly does not understand that Titipu is not in China. To the tune of Tit Willow:

In a museum in Falmouth you all know quite well
Worked Graham and Sandie, Ms Martyn
The time we have reached when we must say farewell
To Graham and Sandie, Ms Martyn
These two are both wonders that all of us know
And we really, yes really don’t want them to go
But they seem very clear that they really must; so
We’ll miss them, we’ll miss them, we’ll miss them.

In her office retreat, lovely Sandie in tears
Was sobbing, was sighing, was sobbing.
I said to her, Sandie, dear, tell me your fears
Not sobbing, nor sighing, nor sobbing.
Has a volunteer upset you, Sandie? I cried,
Or is it because I your patience have tried?
With a shake of her elegant head she replied,
I’ll miss chatting, and chatting and chatting.

In the workshop below her a banging was heard
And chipping and chopping and chipping.
There Graham was working alongside Ralph Bird
Just chopping, and chipping and chopping.
I said to him, Graham what’s that you’ve just made
Does it come from your past in the great motor trade?
With a shake of his poor little head he then say-ed:
I’ll miss chopping, (and Milly) and chopping.

The end of this song is I think a good cue
Though sobbing, and sighing and sobbing.
To say a fond farewell to you and to you,
Though sobbing and sighing and sobbing.
I have no idea how exhibits’ll get built,
Or who will tell me of my Personnel guilt,
But with deepest affection that years will not wilt
We’ll miss you, we’ll miss you, we’ll miss you.

As one listener said after the performance 'Stick to the day job'. Well at least he did not tell the Director to retire too.