by the NMMC Resident Poet
A Volunteer applicant
should really be aware,
of just what type of person
we want to work in there.
I cannot speak for Ladies;
But the Men should please take heed,
Maturity and breeding
is really what we need.
A sense of humour is required
(without it you’d go mad)
“Funny Ha Ha” is OK
“Peculiar” is bad!
The Management likes humble folk,
who always will obey,
and anyone complaining
should be careful what they say!
It should always be remembered,
that the Roster MUST be filled
no shopping trips or holidays,
(One’s wife will just be thrilled!!)
Dress sense is important
The blue shirt is quite smart
the Name tag, Fleece & happy smile,
will make you look the part
A cultured English accent
gives our Visitors a clue,
there’s educated folk to help
-and know the answers too!!
No reading books on Waterfront
no skulking in the Hold,
for DMs know just where to look
(you’ll get your fortune told!!)
We may not ALL be Sailors
(some aren’t Cornishmen, to boot)
But we can point out the Toilets,
and know the shortest route!