by Keith Evans
I arrived on the Waterfront to find it heaving with kids from 4 to 84. Trevor was wrestling with the token machine which had decided to have a temper tantrum and refused to disgorge any tokens. After a few minutes it decided to behave. Just then Number 3 boat decided it had had enough & went into a corner to sulk and refused to play. Can't blame it really. As punishment Trevor put it in the cupboard.
In the meantime there were two cases of boat abuse. One little brat turned the switch off and another urchin played submarines. In my best diplomatic manner I gave them a metaphorical clip around the ear. It was a normal session on Waterfront & then something unique occurred. The rock lighthouse broke adrift & floated away. The first time in history a rock lighthouse has absconded. Trevor was on the job again & eventually got it back in position. He'll go down in the annals of Trinity House as the only man who has brought back an errant rock lighthouse.