Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Sea King lands at Maritime Museum

On Tuesday 28 Feb 2012 a Royal Navy /RAF three ton Sea King helicopter landed at the side of the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth aided I have to admit by a large MacSalvors crane and several personnel, some from RNAS Culdrose who assisted in the reassembly of the aircraft once it was safely on the ground.

This spectical was watched with great interest by me (with camera at the ready) and several staff and volunteers alike, both local television stations and their intrepid reporters. The volunteers were there purely out of interest in our new exhibit for The Hold. Most were curious of course to know whether it would fit through The Hold door?

Well it did, on the second attempt and is now firmly placed at the back of The Hold with inches (an old imperial measurement) to spare.

Michael Hill
New(ish) Volunteer