Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Grumpy Volunteer's Corner

by Keith Evans

I'm back, the grumpy one. Remember? You thought you'd heard the last of me, sorry about that! Not a lot has happened recently. The most notable event was probably the arrival of the schizophrenic helicopter with a bit of an identity crisis. No problem really so long as both halves do the same thing at any given moment.

Spring is in the air. I was quite looking forward to it until a couple came to the door and told me the end of the world was nigh, so I decided not to mow the lawn.

Spring being almost here it's about time we allowed that silly penguin to migrate back to the Antarctic. He's been sitting on top of that iceburg on Waterfront for the last eighteen months. Where's our sunbathing damsel gone?

One of our philosophical volunteers shrugged his shoulders recently when Trinity House took back all his play things. I told him I'd put a good word in for him to go down on the pontoon. I then made a quick exit.

And talking about exits, there have been mutterings and disturbance around the pontoon recently heralding the mass migration of the crabs. Can't blame them really. They've heard the kids will be back soon with their buckets and rotten bait.

A few weeks ago we were asked to state our favourite 'object' in the museum. I didn't like the term 'object', much preferring 'attractions'. After a great deal of agonising deliberation, I thought I'd contribute and without a doubt my choice would be the DMs (female). Always welcoming, good humoured, caring and vivacious. They win hands down. Now ladies calm down, don't get too excited, you know it's not good for me. I'm now going to take a month off.