Friday, 5 February 2010

Changeover - the end of the line

Five weeks ago we closed Under the Sea. The snow came down and we shivered our way through the first few weeks of work as we always seemed to need to open the boat doors when there was a blizzard or northerly wind. There were highs and lows but few crises as large objects were very gradually moved into place, wired up and started turning. Objects were placed reverently into prepared cases and labels were added. The roomset was dressed and a fake seagull was added.

A very, very big thank you to the whole team who have pulled together to make it all happen:
  • To Ben, Sarah, Andy, Milly, Jenny and Danny 
  • To Annette, Naomi, Michael and Stuart
  • To Trevor, Phil C and Phil P
  • To Graham who always deserves a special mention
  • To the incredible Boatbuilding volunteers who have appeared on strange days and built so much of the exhibition
  • To everyone else who has had to endure the enthusiasm of the core team, making their own special contribution
Now we have come to the end of the line and it is for you to judge the result.
Here's to Lighthouses and may it keep us firmly off the rocks.

Jonathan Griffin