The foyer is under constant change. Two sails, some rope and lobster pots - hinting at boats and Cornwall - have been added to soften the harsh concrete of the lift shaft as visitors walk through into the Main Hall.
The lift has got a new image - Fish Sale on a Beach by Stanhope Forbes - and has been re-branded as an entrance to the Cornwall galleries.
In Cornwall and the Sea, some Jane Slade objects have been added: a Reuben Chappell picture of the Jane Slade herself and a named lifebelt.
The emigration display has also been cheered up by the addition of some more objects: a model of the Mystery which made the amazing voyage to Australia and was the stimulus for Pete Goss' latest adventure; and a series of objects lent by families we met through the Titanic exhibition. Luckily, we are able to keep some of the 'Titanic' objects as well.
The children's games will be going in over the next few weeks and some further changes will be made to enliven the foyer.