Thursday, 7 February 2013

Grumpy Volunteers Corner

by Keith Evans

The Christmas festivities are but a distant memory but I must just mention the volunteer's Christmas lunch and give a belated vote of thanks to all those who made it such an enjoyable occasion. For the first time in a decade we were allowed to join our female colleagues and very pleasant it was too. We were outnumbered and couldn't get a word in edge ways but that's not unusual.

I was recently up to my waist in excited kids on Waterfront when through the haze I saw Jonathan passing by and, knowing how much I enjoy kids en masse, he was grinning from ear to ear. Kids are tolerable on their own, especially when they're asleep, but this lot were a cross between a pop concert and a rugby scrum.

Jonathan said something I couldn't quite hear. I wasn't sure whether it was encouragement, sympathy or blessing me for being a martyr. Anyway he made a quick exit leaving me to my fate.