Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Party Conference Time

by Mike Pennell (NMMC Poet Laureate)

There’s going to be a meeting
for all the Volunteers –
Let’s hope the Staff can cope with us
and aren’t reduced to tears!!

We’ll listen to Our Leader –
in silence – bated breath;
All should pay attention -
(You doze on pain of death).

Then comes the time for questions
(you can almost see staff quail)
Ten left-wing Grumpies raise their hands
and the platform party pale.

“Can’t we?” “May we?” “Should we?”
“But surely we could try”
“A shorter shift on Waterfront?” –
(a thrill you can’t deny!!)

It’s no good moaning later
when you’ve had a chance to speak -
not just gripes, but some suggestions
to help our working week.

The things a Volunteer must do
for free tea & a cake!!
So rally round, it’s ONCE a year -
and come, for goodness sake!!!