Thursday, 22 December 2011

Busy Busy Busy

By the NMMC's  Poet Laureate

Our Volunteers are useful -
and multi-tasking too,
they don't sit back
when times are slack,
there's lots of things to do.

Up in Cornwall there's a special place
for an ironing board to stow,
so bring clean washing with you
to be pressed before you go.

The flat top in the Lookout
could be used for kneading dough,
and as the shift progresses,
it will rise, all nice and slow.

Your silver polish could be brought
and all the cutlery.
Take home shining knives and forks,
(that one appeals to me).

Provided you're not busy,
chat to Tourists as you work,
they'll note your dedication -
Volunteers never shirk.