Arriving in the Main Hall one morning last week I found Milly and Andy crawling around on all fours. 'That's odd' I thought, 'you don't usually find Milly and Andy crawling around this time of the morning.' On closer inspection I found that they were sticking footprints of penguins and polar bears across the floor. Mily was looking quite, how shall I say, lithe and Andy was looking a little worse for wear. He looked up and growled 'Don't say a word.' Not that I was going to, diplomat that I am! I did suggest that they could borrow a live penquin and polar bear and paint their feet but I suppose there would be a Health and Safety issue. After all, penguins can give a nasty peck. The polar bear might be useful to see off a few obstreperous kids.
By the end of the morning I think they both deserved the Polar Medal, physiotherapy to their knees and a back massage. Offers to the Editor please. I'm first in the queue to treat Milly. As for Andy, he'll have to take pot luck.