It was on a Monday morning that young Graham came to work
He knew a list awaited him which gave him lots of work
He looked up at Flotilla as he walked across the Hall
Saw the boats were full of clothing for there’d been a late-night ball
Oh it all makes work for the working man to do
It was on the Tuesday morning that his list began to grow
A wood-mail, signed by Milly, with some biscuits and a bow
There wasn’t time to read it; he was off to fetch a cat
From a naked man with jaffa cakes arranged around his hat
Oh it all makes work for the working man to do
Then on the Wednesday morning Mister Crockford holding court
Mr Lewis, back from Tragics, said ‘Look here what I have bought
‘Acrylic and some mdf, I think that’s all we need
But I can’t quite face the workshop so the mullet I shall feed
Oh it all makes work for the working man to do
It was on the Thursday morning that he started on his list
Or would have done if someone had not hit his bleeding fist
‘I’ve had enough of listening to the Volunteers rude lip
‘So I think I’ll go and rummage for some stuff from out the skip’.
Oh it all makes work for the working man to do
It was on the Friday morning, I found Milly in a heap
‘I’ve got a list for Graham that I thought of in my sleep
‘He doesn’t work on Fridays so I don’t know how to cope
I’ll have to leave a message and some cake and simply hope.
Oh it all makes work for the working man to do
On Saturdays and Sundays the days off are a perk
So ‘twas on the Monday morning that young Graham came to work.
With apologies to Flanders and Swan