Those who are on duty in the 'Lookout' throughout 2011 will be able to extol the development of Falmouth Docks as a 'cruise ship' rendezvous. There are some 33 visits of cruise ships carrying 22,402 passengers between January and November including The World an exotic floating residence which visited Falmouth about 2 years ago (see photograph) and caused astonishment as the Captain negotiated the huge vessel with ease through our docks area.
About The World liner
This Norwegian-built liner serves as a residential community for people from around 40 different countries. The owners buy a space for prices ranging from £500,000 to £13 million and live on board as the liner circumnavigates the globe. It is very demecratic: the passengers and Captain decide where the ship will visit and what the passengers will do ashore whilst in each port where they stay for around two to five days at a time.
The ship has some 280 passengers and residents, and a crew of about 350. 196 metres long, it has 12 decks, two of which are reserved for shopping and leisure. There are also restaurants cafes, theatre, casino and nightclub.
Cruise Ships Visiting Falmouth in 2011
An advanced list of cruise ships visiting Falmouth will be displayed in the Volunteers Lounge so that you can keep yourself up to date with arrivals and departures. The World is scheduled to arrive in Falmouth on 30 May 2011 at 1800 hours with 100 passengers.