With regard to the 9 December Nauti News item, I have searched the list of attendees
at the Breakfast and cannot find Paul Swarts listed. I am extremely suspicious that he was an uninvited illegal immigrant, with little knowledge of local custom & practice.
Maritime House was named because it looks very similar to the car-carrying ship at Duchy Wharf.
Ships & Castles used to have a flat glass roof, but the rain-soaked ground caused this end to subside (Not many people know that)
Hemisphere comments bring to mind the “Children & Fools shouldn’t see things half done”
The Volunteer owner of the Orange Bungalow has contacted his Solicitor and The Director will be hearing from him soon.
Team Phillips is awaiting a move to the front of the Museum – where it will be painted like a Lighthouse & stand upright in the absence of a more appropriate attraction after the Underwater Loo has been removed (our own addition to the list!!)
The Docks buildings & Coal yard remain as a deterrent to visiting Cruise ship passengers from going ashore & cluttering up Falmouth High St. or the Eden project.
Malcolm Miller was partly uncovered at the request of the RSPB – for seagulls to perch.
The Green House has not been re-painted. The cheap-offer B & Q paint has just been diluted by the rain.
If Mr. Swarts had attended the talk in Lookout that morning, he would be better informed and not spread alarm & despondency about Falmouth, Jewel of the South-west.