Friday, 21 February 2014

... Part 2

I know, I know, this is getting repetitive: more lines on a chart. But here is the next big storm - the Valentine's Day storm - that passed through on Friday14 February. Thankfully it did not bring the spring tides but it did manage to swamp Newlyn, put back the repairs to the Dawlish railway line and uproot trees.

One of the more charming customer complaints was that the webcam on the tower was covered in grime and they could not see the harbour. Somehow we did not feel inspired to go up during the storm to clean the lens. I cannot think why not.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

The Porthleven storm

You may have noticed it has been raining recently. The weather-buffs will have been fascinated by such things as mm of rain, hours of sunlight - sun: a big yellow thing that appears from time to time -, wind strength - it is not often that we actually have a forecast of 'Storm' on land - and the pressure. Thankfully, John Draper has a barograph and here is the print out for the week of 2 - 9 February. The big dip when the Porthleven storm passed through is obvious.

After some sterling work by the local community, the inner harbour was cleared of boats and debris.