The event was held in the cafe (the reception) and Main Hall (dinner) which looked absolutely stunning. HRH mingled with the guests before dinner, chatting away in a very easy style. She is her father's daughter and enjoys nothing more than a good intelligent discussion about a relevant topic. That day she had already opened something in Southampton, had two appointments in Exeter and then came on to Falmouth.
Dinner in the Main Hall was supplied by Stein's with wines by St Austell Brewery. The decor was fantastic, masterminded by our President Alexandra Bolitho. Some 124 people dressed in their finery sat down to a wonderful meal which was served by the staff team (minus one grumpy one who had to be smart and wear a tie) all dressed in their blue shirts. No one spilled anything and it looked very professional.
After a short speech by HRH, made without notes and saying all the right things both about the Museum and the importance of the maritime heritage, Ellen Winser made a very personal speech, recounting the achievements of the Museum, praising the staff and volunteer team, and counting herself proud to be one member that team. She also talked of the need for the Museum to raise funds and set a target of raising £4 million over the next ten years. She ended by reporting that we have received a pledge by a mystery couple who have offered to match £ for £ any money we raise up to £1m. This is an incredible challenge and one that will encourage us all to work even harder at our fundraising.
As HRH left she was delighted to see the whole staff team lined up in the foyer where she thanked them for their work. Then the party relaxed and got down to the important business of the auction. Masterminded by new trustee, Buddha Hunt, this raised over £20,000 and the raffle will have raised even more (this is written early in the morning and we have yet to count the loot). All of this will be doubled of course.
Finally the guests had had enough of the delicious food, drink and networking and the team worked into the small hours, turning the Main Hall back into a Museum display.
As they left, many guests praised the work of the Museum, complimented me on the team and the work that they have done and emphasised their commitment to help. Someone even used the dreaded words 'Next time ...'
Congratulations to everyone who helped make all of this happen, especially the core team of Tamsin, Naomi, and Dayna who anchored the thing and kept me away from seemingly endless committee planning meetings and to people like Michael and Annette who appeared un-phased by the workload. We will post some photographs when they are available.
Jonathan Griffin
(without tie, with addled brain after a few hours' sleep but awake enough to be proud of his team)