Thursday, 25 August 2011

The Director's runabout?

If only...
David Barnicoat works his magic again.

Scrapheap joy

There are few more inspiring sights than visitors really enjoying themselves and on a wet day in summer they certainly do that. Derryth's team may have a different view when they contemplate the tidying up...

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Grumpy Volunteer's Corner

by Keith Evans

It's not often we get 'road rage'on the Waterfront. The other day a grumpy, very grumpty, O.A.P. came careering down the ramp at all of 2 miles an hour on his electric buggy and skidded to a halt in front of me. "How do you get out of this place? I've been driving around in circles for the last half an hour." I looked at him & thought 'I'm supposed to be the grumpy one around here.' I considered directing him down onto the pontoon but thought I'd better not. Didn't want to antagonise the stroppy crabs just now. I took him back up the ramp and pointed him in the right direction. "Huh!" he snorted and sped off. We really should have a 'sat nav' system. On second thoughts, better not. He really would end up on the pontoon. A traffic warden would be better. He could issue on the spot fines and ASBOs to kids.